The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Genus: Geranium

We are a community of garden lovers. On this page you will find:

  1. Where to buy Geranium plants & price comparison.
  2. Care tips & advice from our members.
  3. Photos of Geranium plants in real gardens.

This is a genus of about 300 species of annuals and perennials. It is easy to confuse this hardy variety with a different genus – Pelargonium – which is frost tender but often given the same common name ‘Cranesbill’.

Found everywhere but in very wet locations, the leaves of this plant are often aromatic, interestingly marked and textured. The foliage comes in shades of green even shading to blackish-purple! The flowers are found in white, pink, purple or blue.

These are long lasting, versatile, rabbit proof and easy to look after so anyone can give them a go!

Geranium to buy

Clicking on any of these plants will give you more information, you only leave this website if you decide to buy. You can see all the Geranium plants for sale in our garden centre which lists products from over 25 popular websites.

We have 1176 photos of Geranium plants in real gardens

These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.

You can also discover who's growing Geranium.

  • Geranium versicolor (Geranium versicolor)
    By spritzhe..
  • A wonderful lady (Geranium 'Mrs Judith Bradshaw')
    By muddywal..
  • Geranium ibericum subs. jubatum 'White Zigana' (Geranium ibericum subs. jubatum)
    By spritzhe..
  • Geranium nodosum 'Hexham Big Eyes' (Geranium nodosum)
    By spritzhe..


Care tips & Questions

This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking for please ask your question of our friendly community.

Cuttings From Geraniums

2 replies


25 Jan, 2008

Species of Geranium